Monday 21 March 2011

What to do on a holiday??

Are you the type of person who lies in bed all day for a school holiday??? You are......Well I'm NOT!  I actually had a great day today because of Human Rights Day I had a school holiday and unlike others spent it wisely! I went shopping :) I had an awesome time shopping MY FAVOURITE ACTIVITY. I had lunch, got some clothes and had fun now next time we get another holiday what u going to do???? I can't hear you....... spend it WISELY (definition Wisely: To do something such as a holiday smartly) Alright well tell me what you do on holiday's :D Bye for now Cami

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm...well, in theory I like to spend a public holiday catching up on all my work, but in reality spending it with my cute daughter shopping is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more fun!!
