Thursday 23 June 2011

"Turkish Cats"

Do u think cats can swim?? No of course not they are fluffy animals not Natalie Du Toit!!!!!! Think again.......there are actually cats called "Turkish Cats" from Turkey for those who didn't know!!! Hahaha anyway these intelligent creatures can actually swim I am going to try and get some because SERIOUSLY who doesn't want a "SWIMMING CAT???" Here are some pics if you don't believe me.....  SPLASH SPLASH : P : P!! Awww sooo cute :) "Can we get a catguard over there??" haha later go buy a Turkish Cat :)

Monday 2 May 2011


Hey Peeps!!! What shows do you watch?? Nickelodeon, sports? LAME 
Not only does disney have AWESOME shows but it's sooo funny and cute.....Take Phineas and Ferb (First Photo) It's to funny!! SO after this tell me what shows you like to watch! And the photo at the bottom is the disney logo!! AWESOME HEY??? Oki Doki Bye bye

Friday 15 April 2011

Stardoll!! :) :)

Have you heard of stardoll?? Oh well I have and u might think that it seems boring but if you like fashion and celebrities this website is perfect for you!!! There are about 5000 different celebrities WOW! You name them they have them!!! please got to stardoll and try it :) here I provided some pics.... From a cartoon from to an actual person ;) some of you might be familiar with the website but those who aren't it is really fun and I love fashion <3 Bye 

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Gavin and Stacey

HEY! people :) any bets not one of you know what I am talking about :P  Well............. it's a show and it's soooooooooooo funny I would give you a link but just go to youtube and type "Gavin and Stacey" I love it!! The characters: (starting from the left) Nessa, Stacey's best friend. Stacey, Gavin, Stacey's husband. Smithy: Gavin's best friend, Pam and Mick (A couple and Gavin's parents) PLEASE GO SEE IT :D

Sunday 27 March 2011

Music to my ears.....

Hey! What music do you listen to?? Eminem? Pink? Britney?? NO NO NO! They are soo weird and crazy I love and mean love Taylor Swift.... No bad language they are nice!! If you don't know her...There she is beautiful and if you want to hear her go to she is truly BRILLIANT and tell me who you listen to :) Cami 

Thursday 24 March 2011


Hey there!! Before you close the page because you hate Justin HE IS NOT GAY AND NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HIM!! I saw his movie the other night.....He is really nice and cool :) He sings great and is super cute!!! Please tell me what u think is wrong with him! JUST LOOK AT THE SMILE, THE HAIR!!!!
I would love to be Selena Gomez right now!!! 

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Annoying Orange

HI!!! Have you seen the annoying orange?? He is too funny look.. I just hope you think he is as HILARIOUS as I do!!!!
Here are some more photos :) I think my choice for my topic was AWESOME!!!! Thanx for reading Cami bye